Obama demeans himself- and us

If you recall, President Obama pulled this demeaning stunt once before, when he humbled himself before the King of Saudi Arabia.

From the point of view of protocol, the President of the United States is the equal of kings and emperors. From the point of view of geopolitical reality, even now Mr. Obama is the single most powerful man on earth, and heads the most powerful nation on earth. It's not simply a faux pas for him to bow before another head of state. It's a demeaning of his own position, and of our country.

The diplomatic ineptitude of this administration is massive. But this goes beyond ineptitude- especially since it's happened before. Somebody really needs to talk to this guy- who, coming up on a year after he took office, is still not ready for prime time.

I mean, don't they have a protocol officer at the White House anymore?

HT: Drudge
