Unexpected honesty at Democratic Underground

The Democratic Underground is kind of an internet sewer, where all sorts of left wing effluent tends to collect. This is one of the places, for example, where the denizens cheered Ronald Reagan's death.

I try to avoid this place. But from what little contact I've been unable to avoid (sometimes the smell isn't sufficient warning), I am not at all surprised by this.

What does surprise me is that the extremists who hang out there don't follow the normal Democrat procedure, and indignantly (though implausibly) claim to be moderates, perfectly in step with the American people. But it's good to see them honestly confronting what they really are.

Meanwhile, notice the reaction to Sen. Al Franken (Civic Embarassment- Minn.) playing totalitarian and shutting down Joe Lieberman's attempts to discuss possible amendments to the health care bill.

Scratch a Leftie, get a storm trooper.


Here's the incident in question. Note John McCain's quite proper reaction.
