BHO meets with the Dalai Lama this time. Secretly.

Well, at least this time President Obama didn't exactly snub the Dalai Lama, the way he did last time the Tibetan Buddhist leader was in Washington.

Instead, he simply refused to meet with him in public.

Predictably, the Democratic Campaign Pamphlet of Record- the New York Times- presented this as an act of courage on BHO's part. And for a president whose foreign policy is as craven as President Obama's, I guess it is.

China, of course, occupies Tibet, and the exiled Buddhist leader is a nationalist symbol there. That being the case, any acknowledgment of the Dalai Lama at all upsets the tyrants in Bejing, poor dears. And we can't have that, can we?

After all, if the President of the United States were to publicly embrace the leader of a nation occupied by bloodthirsty foreigners, he might give the impression that Americans were in favor of freedom, or something.

HT: Drudge
