That's Rich!

According to Frank Rich of the New York Times, the anger about Obamacare isn't about massive government spending we can't afford or the government takeover of an entire segment of our economy.

It's about white Americans feeling threatened by Barack Obama, African-Americans, and other minorities.

Thank you for explaining that to us, Mr. Rich. Nobody would ever have reached that conclusion by thinking.

People predicted it before the last election, and sure enough, it's coming to pass: to disagree with Barack Obama politically is to be automatically labeled a racist by the Left and its acolytes in the media. And perhaps the greatest tragedy is that the abuse of the concept "racism" as merely a way to stigmatize one's political opponents will have the effect of rendering a word which ought to fill people with loathing and revulsion utterly meaningless to them instead.

If you're going to use the idea of racism simply as a politically convenient ad hominem to employ against Republicans and conservatives, what are you going to call the real racists?

HT: Drudge
