Why do they bother?

Contradicting two thousand years of scholarship, a Swedish pastor has decided that Jehovah's Witnesses are right about Jesus not having died on a cross.

He disputes the consensus of historians that crucifixion was a common form of punishment in the Roman Empire, and suggests on the basis of a second account of what was described by a Roman writer as a crucifixion which sounds more like an impalement that historians and theologians have been wrong about the way Jesus and many Christian martyrs were put to death.

I know that sometimes there are slow news days. But I never cease to be amazed at how easy it is for any eccentric with a pet theory throwing doubt on some aspect of the Christian Faith to get all the publicity he wants. There's nothing new about this theory, which most experts reject.


Lori Runnels said…
And what "evidence" does he have for this?
Apparently there are two accounts of a certain Roman execution, one of which uses the word
"crucifixion" and the other making the execution appear to have been an impalement.