The Tenth Doctor" is degenerating, as well as regenerating

I saw "The Waters of Mars" last night.

Appearances to the contrary, it is not a tale about some extraterrestrial branch of my family. Instead it's a BBC special episode of Doctor Who, laying the groundwork for the demise of the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) and his regeneration into the Eleventh (Matt Smith).

Impressive. The Tenth Doctor- my favorite, and that of most Whovians, it seems- is clearly losing it. His hubris is contaminating his decisions, and his psychological deterioration is preparing the way for his coming regeneration in a manner unprecedented in the half-century history of the series.

Dr. Who has certainly come a long way since the charming but cheesy British series that debuted on the night that JFK was assassinated. It's become one of the best things on television, from the point of view of plot and writing as well as simple fun.
