A question for Glenn Beck

"America today begins to turn back to God," Glenn Beck said today to the crowd at the Washington Monument for his "I Have A Dream" speech commemorating the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's famous address at the same site.

A question, though, for Beck- a Mormon: what God? Yours? The Holy Trinity, whom Christians worship? Allah? Moloch? To Whom It May Concern?

True, there is only one God. But it does not follow logically that therefore even those who agree that there is only one God worship the same one god. In fact, the differences between the various deities even the monotheistic religions worship is so great as to preclude any such conclusion- if one is operating on the basis of logic rather than sentimentality, brain-dead Post-modernism, or the banal assumptions of Ophrahfied American Civil Religion.

I capitalize those last three words intentionally. It is my strong conviction that the American Civil Religion is in fact a religion in its own right- and one utterly incompatible with Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other faith with inherent content.


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