Silly season on what ought to be a solemn day

Even after the Irreverend Terry Jones announced that he would not be burning any Korans today after all, they're demonstrating against him- and America- in Afghanistan.

The "Muslim street" has never been accused of rationality, of course. But the point is hard to miss: the wave of anti-Muslim bigotry that is sweeping the nation on this ninth anniversary of 9/11 is doing permanent damage. With these guys, even coming to one's senses doesn't do any good; while repentance is not a concept alien to Islam, forgiveness does not necessarily follow.

Meanwhile, as we assess the damage the unacknowledged religious bigotry of the wingnut Right has done to America, the danger in which it is putting our fighting men and women in Afghanistan, and the favor it's doing al Queda, Iran and the other Islamofacists of the world by alienating the very people they want to win over to their crusade against America, the moonbat Left is also chiming in. It seems that Terry Jones and Rush Limbaught were high school classmates in Cape Girardeau. And given the "progressive" passion for guilt by association when it comes to people it doesn't like, the haste of the liberal media to report this very minor story is hardly any more remarkable than their adroitness in insinuating a significance for it even in the process of agreeing that there is none.

Limbaugh didn't reveal the fact himself, you see.

It shouldn't be surprising, btw, that the story was first broken by the Left's hatemonger-in-chief, Keith Olbermann.
