Prager is right. Reagan was wrong.

Ronald Reagan's wholly regrettable epitaph reads, "I know in my heart that man is good."

Strange epitaph for a conservative, that. Strange epitaph for a Christian, too (did Jesus die to save us from the consequences of our own common wickedness, or from bad hair days?). One of the commentators on PBS's recently aired God in America
spoke of original sin as if it were some quaint relic from the theological past, unknown to modern Christians. In fact, it is not only a basic dogma of the Faith, but a concept without which a great deal of Western philosophical and political thought would be incoherent.

It's especially refreshing, in a society which buys so heavily into the lie that human nature is essentially good, to read a knowledgable Jew, columnist Dennis Prager, point out that while many Jews believe that culturally popular lie, Judaism as such rejects it.

As does anyone with any real insight about human nature- or anyone with actual experience of the most selfish and depraved of all human creatures, a newborn infant.

HT: Real Clear Religion
