Are a majority of Republicans "Birther" nut-jobs?

It seems likely that most Democrats believe malarky like the presidential elections of 2000 and/or 2004 being stolen, that George W. Bush knew that Saddam Hussein had rid himself of his WMD's in anticipation of a possible invasion of Iraq before that invasion took place, and that Dubyah was AWOL from his National Guard service.

Thankfully, the percentage of Democrats who are "Truthers-" who believe that Dubyah was responsible fo 9/11- seems to be considerably smaller.

But according to a new poll by a Democratic firm, a narow majority of Republicans are the Right's equivalent of those "Truther" nut-jobs: "Birthers," who maintain that President Obama was not born in the United States, and thus is not eligible to be president.

I have my doubts; after all, the polling firm had an ideological ox to gore here, and both samples and questions are easily manipulated or distorted. But if it's really true that most Republicans are "Birthers," our democracy is in big trouble.

It would mean that majorities in both parties have allowed malice and partisan hatred to completely distort their contact with reality. And whether a majority of Republicans are in fact "Birthers" or not, I, for one, am deeply embarassed by the percentage of them who are.

HT: Drudge
