Nice try, Peter

Peter Beinhart of The Daily Beast has decided to defy what is pretty much the consensus of observers all over the spectrum and try to make the Obama Administration's woeful mishandling of the situation in Egypt a plus for our diplomatically inept Chief Executive rather than a minus.

Rather than operating behind the scenes and easing long-time dictator (oops... I forgot; Joe Biden insists that he was not a dictator) Hosni Mubarak out, the Obama administration chose to humiliate him publicly- thus further alienating Israel and our other allies in the region and throughout the world, who are said to be appalled by the U.S. president's handling of the mess in Egypt. Our other allies now have further reason to distrust Mr. Obama, who will not hesitate, out of sheer diplomatic ineptitude, to humiliate a friend when he could have accomplished the same thing while helping him save face.

Not that, even now, Mr. Obama or America will receive the slightest credit for the end of the admittedly appalling Mubarak era.

Admittedly, old Hosni had to go. But once again, this administration has chosen to acheive its foreign policy objectives in a way guaranteed to minimize their objective benefit to the United States, while inflicting the maximum amount of damage on our prestige and standing in the world.

HT: Real Clear Politics
