Let's get this straight, Darwinians

There is a certain Gahan Wilson cartoon that I really wish were in the public domain so that I could publish it here. Suffice it to say that, for atheists (and orthodox Darwinians, who by definition must be either atheists or Deists), yes. Nothing is indeed sacred. In more ways than one.

Dr. Kurt Gibberson believes that "Jesus would believe in evolution."

Leaving aside both the fallacy of using the past tense (Jesus isn't dead anymore) and that of forgetting that Jesus, being true God as well as true man, knows rather than believes,  Dr. Gibberson seems to have missed a rather critical point many others also miss.

Darwinian evolution, by its very nature, excludes the possibility of God being in any way involved. It is, by definition, random. Advocates of theistic evolution need to be aware that their view is just as much in conflict with Darwin- and with "orthodox" Darwinists, such as dominate the scientific community- as is creationism.

Scientists, on the other hand, need to recognize that any theory- whether held by Darwin or anybody else- on whether evolution is guided by a Deity or occurs by mere chance is, by its very nature, metaphysical rather than scientific. In short, any claim that Intelligent Design is not science but metaphysics applies equally to Darwinian evolution.

Evolution itself is a scientific issue. The question of whether it is random or guided by an intelligence, on the other hand, is metaphysical. And that which discredits Intelligent Design as science discredits at least Darwinian evolution just as much, and for exactly the same reason.

HT: Real Clear Religion
