Are Britain (or Canada) really free countries?

Britain- like our neighbor to the north, Canada- fancies itself an upholder of democratic principles, but seems rather unclear on the concept at times.

Free speech is not exactly in fashion in Canada. And Britain has just upheld its ban on commentator Michael Savage entering the country because it doesn't like things that he's said.

I'm an admirer of both countries in many ways. Scotland and Ulster are the home of my ancestors, and I treasure both the time I've spent in Canada and my experiences with its polite, civilized and thoroughly admirable people. But when it comes to free speech, neither the UK nor Canada have a clue.

"Hate speech" is a concept very familiar in this country, too. There are many- especially on the Left- whose values with regard to freedom of speech differ as greatly from those of the Founders as they do on other matters. But at least so far, we in the States have managed to resist this incursion on our liberties. It is regrettable that our cousins in Canada and the UK have not been able to do so there.

John Milton said it very well: "Let [Truth] and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in free and open encounter? She needs no policies, nor strantegems, nor licensings to make her victorious…. Give her but room."

HT: Drudge
