Calling Dr. Amen!

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway reports on a study purporting to show that Protestants who do not identify with the "born again" label (usually misapplied to refer to a conversion experience; biblically,the term refers to baptism- not ex opere operato, but as the carrier of the promise which saving faith believes) have brains less atrophied than those of Reformed Evangelicals, Catholics and unbelievers.

Interestingly, Mollie reports, Catholics and non-believers were not mentioned in media reports on this study, which focused on the brain shrinkage evident in "Evangelicals." What is especially interesting about that is that the greatest cerebral atrophy was found, not among "born again" Protestants, but among unbelievers.

No surprise in this omission, of course. Lots of unbelievers among those who write those news stories. On the other hand it's always open season on conservative Christians.

The brain region in question is the hippocampus, which stores and retrieves memories as well as helping to regulate emotions.

HT: Real Clear Religion
