
Sen. James DeMint warns fellow Republicans that they will be "gone" if they support an increase in the national debt limit.

But if we don't get that increase, the government will default- and everything we have all suffered since the late summer of 2008 will seem like a picnic in comparison.

This is not a subject about which it is remotely responsible for either party to be playing "chicken." The debt limit must be increased, come what may. There is no sane option- and to hold the matter hostage as a part of a partisan power play is simply crazy

And the nature of that power play is also problematic. The Speaker of the House- along with the rest of the GOP's congressional leadership- is pulling a real Boehner in demanding that there be no tax increases as part of the deal to raise the debt limit. Taxes are going to  have to be raised if we're going to do anything about the deficit.

On this one, folks, the GOP is just plain wrong.

HT: Drudge


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