McCain blasts "isolationist" Republican field

2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain has blasted the tendency of the 2012 field toward the isolationist Pat Buchanan/Ron Paul approach to foreign policy.

And rightly so. Like it or not, the United States- even in this time of declining influence- is the place the world looks for leadership, and when bloodthirsty tyrants like Qaddafi start threatening to massacre innocent people, the decent human beings of the world need to respond.

Further, after the price we've paid in Afghanistan, it behooves us not to turn the country over to the Taliban by a precipitate withdrawal, no matter what the polls may say. That, too, is a matter of leadership. True enough, we cannot win the Afghan civil war for the Karsai regime. But to withdraw before we've given it every chance to prepare to win it by its own efforts would mean handing Osama bin Laden victory even in death. It would be nothing short of obscene to waste all those lives by handing al Qaeda and the Taliban Afghanistan to use as a base of support in the future, just like they using  it on 9/11.

Yes, Gov. Huntsman. America's vital interests are very much involved in stopping that from happening.

HT: Drudge
