RCP has the right of it

Ron Brownstein of the National Journal predicts that the 2012 election will be about ideology. In which case, the GOP wins. He's right- because America is Center Right.

Ed Kilgore of the New Republic says that Rick Perry will not save the Republcans. He's right- which is somethng that can't be said often of people who write for the New Republic. Perry is much too far to the Right.

Merrill Matthews of Forbes says that Hispanics will not save the Democrats. He, too, is right- for a whole bunch of demographic, sociological and poltical reasons, concerning each of which it's hard to suggest that he's wrong.

Radical columnist Reka Basu of our beloved Des Moines Register- aka "Iowa's Best Red Newspaper*-" whines that opponents of President Obama should give him a break. She is never Right, and almost never right.

HT: Real Clear Politics

*Due to the tendency of our friends on the Left to concrete thinking and a deficient sense of humor, it should be pointed out that this riff on the Register's slogan- "Iowa's Best-READ Newspaper-" is tongue-in-cheek. It is not the intention of this blog to suggest that those who run the Gannett chain of newspapers are Marxists.


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