Earth to the American people...!

For some time, the polls have shown that, by wide margins, the American people are unwilling to accept cuts in entitlements, such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, in order to balance the budget.

It seems that, according to a new poll, they are also unwilling by a margin of 2 to 1 to accept an increase in taxes.  This in spite of the fact that President Obama says that 80% of the American people are in favor of raising taxes- an assertion which does not speak well for the degree to which POTUS is in touch with the people who elected him.

But maybe that's not entirely a bad thing. It seems that the American people are nevertheless in favor of cutting the deficit.  My fellow Americans, I hate to break this to you, but you've kind of run the table here. There aren't any options left.

Even more absurd, most actually oppose raising the debt limit- despite the fact that default would make what has happened to the economy since 2008 look like a picnic.

Winston Churchill is reported to have said that "Democracy is the very worst form of government- except for all the others." As usual, Sir Winston knew whereof he spoke, it seems.

HT: Drudge
