'Rev. Irrelevant' is back- and still spouting nonsense

They call the last player selected in the NFL draft "Mr. Irrelevant." But the Rev. Jesse Jackson- who, since the election of Barack Obama, no longer has any claim to the leadership of black America or even any particular relevance to the American political scene- has at least as good a claim to the title.

He now informs us that cutting spending will make unemployment worse.

Gee. Waste, pork and  government extravagance are actually good for the economy. Who'da thunk it?

Seems to me, though, that there have been entire periods of our economy when people had jobs and government spending wasn't nearly what it is now.

Like the entire history of the American nation before Barack Obama, for example.

HT: Real Clear Politics


Relevance in the face of irrelevance. Right on, Bob.