Another reason why Ron Paul can't be taken seriously

I've often said that I consider the prospect (remote though it thankfully is) of Rep. Ron Paul (R-Utopia Planitia) being elected president to be the greatest threat to our national security since 9/11, and possibly since the Cuban Missle Crisis. His addiction to loony "Austrian economics" aside, Mr. Paul's isolationist worldview is so divorced from modern reality that to have him directing our foreign policy would be to court disaster.

A critique of Austrian economics by a former adherent of the school can be found here.

And now, Paul given further evidence of his unfitness to be our commander in chief: he's publicly stated that, if elected, he'd consider Far Left über-dove Dennis Kucinich for his cabinet.

If Ron Paul is a mainstream Republican- or a mainstream anything-
then I am  a star-nosed mole.
