Zogby: Herman Cain- HERMAN CAIN!- replaces Perry as GOP front-runner!

I'm not sure I believe it, but a new Zogby poll has Herman Cain as the leading candidate among likely GOP voters for the party's 2012 presidential nomination, replacing Rick Perry.

Cain has 28% to Perry's 18% and Mitt Romney's 17%. Ron Paul is fourth, with 11%. Michele Bachmann continues her plunge, now trailing John Huntsman in the Zogby poll.

The result comes in the wake of Cain's surprise victory in the Florida straw poll over the weekend. There, as in the national Zogby poll, Perry finished second, and Romney third, while Bachmann trailed Huntsman. In Florida, however, it was former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum who finished fourth.

Meanwhile, the latest CNN poll shows Paul trailing President Obama by only four points, while the President stomps better-known candidates like Bachmann and Sarah Palin.  Given Paul's isolationism and bizarre economic philosophy, the CNN poll would be scary were it not for the certainty that the voters will change their mind once they actually become familiar with the extreme views of the Martian congressman.

As I said earlier, I have my doubts about the Zogby poll. But it raises a fascinating question nonetheless: how in the world will the Far Left be able to call Republicans racist for opposing our inept African-American president if the Republicans nominate another African-American to oppose him?

HT: Drudge
