Are the "Occupiers" ill-informed perpetual adolescents?

So says Roger Kimball.

And I agree with him. All you have to do is read their signs to see that these people are badly in need of medication.. Next to this crowd, the Tea Party looks positively sane. And yes- the "occupiers" are indeed anti-business and anti-captialism. Their denials make it appear that they are also anti-honesty.

No, they're not "the 99%." They're a tiny percentage of the lunatic fringe. And by the way, 2009 IRS figures show that the top 1% of the population in income- the ones whom the demonstrators claim are not carrying their fair share of the load-  reported 17% of the nation's total taxable income while paying 37% of the nation's total income taxes!

Earth to Occupiers!

Meanwhile, according to Gallup President Obama's approval rating is now 41%. Apparently the real majority is better informed.

HT: Real Clear Politics, Drudge
