Shame, Mr. President. Shame.

Egypt's Christian minority is suffering in the throes of an increasing persecution. On Sunday, the Egyptian military massacred more than two dozen peaceful Coptic Christians who were protesting the burning of a church.

President Obama has called for restraint- on the part of the persecuted Christians! His statement on the massacre pointedly equates the peaceful dissent of the victims from an act of religious persecution and their murder by Muslim military thugs.

This is Barack Obama in a nutshell. Everybody seems to see it, regardless of their political philosophy. Conservatives complain about his wimpish willingness to sacrifice principle to the cause of getting along with everybody- including bullies and monsters- in the arena of foreign policy. Liberals (oh, excuse me.... progressives; liberals are ashamed to be called "liberals" these days) complain about his wimpish desire to sacrifice principle to the cause of getting along with everybody- including (shudder) Republicans.

Not, of course, that there's any more real equivalence between the two than there is between peaceful and persecuted Egyptian Christians and their murderous Muslim Egyptian persecutors. Democracy thrives on comity and compromise, and both commodities have been in short supply in recent years. If anything, Mr. Obama exhibited more common sense and maturity in the recent debt ceiling controversy than did his opponents.

But the give-and-take which is the lifeblood of democracy is not the same as the craven equation of the peaceful persecuted with the violent persecutor. The president's craven, reprehensible response to the religious crisis in Egypt is an all too typical example of the spineless, wimpish foreign policy which has characterized this administration.

Not only our national interest and our national self-respect, but the very principle of moral perspective, demands Mr. Obama's replacement by somebody who knows the difference between shooting somebody for being of a different religion and being shot for that reason.

HT: Drudge
