Carter, Clinton pollsters say Obama should step aside in favor of Hillary

Pat Caddell and Douglas Schoen- pollsters, respectively, for Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton when they were president and more recently outspoken critics of the Left-tending direction of the Democratic party- have called on President Obama to abandon his bid for re-election and turn the race over to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Polls have consistently shown Clinton easily defeating any of the potential Republican candidates. Obama, on the other hand, is generally considered to be facing a very tough and perhaps unwinnable race.

The former pollsters urged Mr. Obama to follow the example of Harry S Truman and Lyndon Johnson, and abandon the White House in favor of a nominee with a better chance of being elected.

Caddell and Schoen point out that in order to be re-elected, President Obama would certainly have to run an extremely negative campaign which, even if successful, would make it extremely difficult for him to govern in his second term.

HT: Drudge


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