An epic moment in New Hampshire!

Ron Paul meets his only rival for his base in an epic confrontation.

The libertarian from Utopia Planita is confronted by Vermin Supreme, who- like Paul himself- ran previously, in 2008.  Supreme's platform: No flying monkeys in the streets of New York! Do something about the weather! Computer chip implants for all Americans! The legalization of human meat! Bigger family values! Make crime against the law!

"Vermin Supreme," his campaign staff promises,"will protect you and your children from the voices in his head, thru (sic) whatever means necessary." Contrast this with Paul, who would probably say that any hypothetical voices in his head were, in fact, your children's fault.

Some of Paul's positions, meanwhile, are explicated here. The question: which candidate's positions are the more bizarre?

HT: Drudge


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