Obama gaffes again; media ignore it again

Whenever George W. Bush or Dan Quayle or Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann misspeak, the network news, the talk show hosts, and the Left-leaning comedians are all over them like Tim Tebow on his knee.

Serial gaffer Joe Biden sometimes gets a passing notice from these folks when he misspeaks; after all, his foot is in his mouth so much that it would be kinda hard to ignore. But President Obama- he who visited 57 states during the 2008 campaign,

thinks Hawaii (where he was born) is in Asia,

and apparently doesn't know the difference between Great Britain and England- is no stranger to the verbal gaffe, either. Thing is, though, that those who are so anxious to ridicule Bush and Quayle and Palin and Bachmann manage somehow not to notice when The One trips over his tongue.

Within the past couple of days, POTUS overestimated the number of jobs created under his administration by 19 million,

and referred to the Republic of Georgia as "Russia-" in the presence of the Georgian president at a celebration of 30 years of Georgian independence from Russia.

Do any of these things mean that Mr. Obama is stupid? Of course not. No more than their slips mean that Mr. Bush, Mr. Quayle, Ms. Bachmann, or Ms. Palin are stupid.

But where The Messiah from Chicago is the one who is proving to be verbaly maladroit, the snarkmeisters in the media remain strangely silent.

HT: Drudge


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