
A new Rasmussen poll has President Obama's Florida Republican Primary stand-in, Newt Gingrich, up nine points over Mitt Romney.

No word on whether Jon Huntsman might consider a third-party bid.

77% have a favorable opinion of Romney, 69% have a favorable opinion of Gingrich, 64% have a favorable opinion of Rick Santorum- and only 33% have a favorable opinion of Ron Paul, who trails badly and has chosen not to contest the Florida Primary even though he is on the ballot, but will probably claim victory anyway no matter what the result.

Who has the best personal character? 41% say Romney, 30% Santorum, 11% Gingrich and 10% Paul. Evidentally somebody is paying attention to that newsletter business.

52% expect Romney to be the eventual nominee.

I agree with the 52% despite the Florida figures; Romney is best positioned for the long haul. But a Gingrich victory in Florida raises the real possibility that the Republican party may self-destruct and nominate themselves out of any shot at what ought to be a winnable election.

HT: Drudge
