Tomorrow's winners figure to be Romney and Santorum

Nevada results: Romney 50.1%, Gingrich 21.1%, Paul 18.8%, Santorum 10%.

Tomorrow Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri go to the polls. Gingrich is not on the ballot in Missouri; Santorum, as a result, will be the only credible "un-Romney" on the ballot, and is leading in the polls.The latest polls indicate that tomorrow may be a good day for the former Pennsylvania senator. The latest poll from Minnesota also puts him up on Romney,29-27. Gingrich is third, with 22%, and Paul trails, with 19%.

As you doubtless recall, after the "long count" here in Baja Minnesota early last month Santorum narrowly beat Romney. Were it not for Newt's stubbornness, I have to wonder whether Santorum's relative lack of baggage and popularity (well-earned, btw) among "Evangelicals" might not make him, in the long run, a more credible challenger to Romney from the right than Gingrich.

In fact, Santorum is running second to Romney in Colorado, although a distant second- 40 to 26- with Gingrich and Paul trailing the pack, with 18 and 12 per cent, respectively. After tomorrow, Santorum may be looking a whole lot better, and the Gingrich campaign a little peaked. And Romney will be even further ahead- though perhaps with a different prime challenger.


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