A bad idea, to say the least

If I hadn't come across this on Gene Veith's blog, I would have assumed that it was just another one of those nutty rumors conspiracy theorists love to pass around.

But apparently it's true: Pepsi is using the remains of aborted fetuses in product research (though not, it should be made clear, in its products).

I really wish that I weren't drinking a Mountain Dew right now. From now on, it's Mellow Yellow. Or coffee.

Or water.

ADDENDUM: The Snopes urban legend page has this to say on the matter.

In brief, Pepsico denies the rumor- but in carefully-chosen words which leave open the possibility that a partner company does the testing for Pepsico. In any case, the cells in question come from a single 35 year-old line.

Not that this solves the ethical problem, but at least it minimizes it to a degree.

