Rasmussen: As of today, either Romney or Santorum would beat Obama

Mitt's margin is five points, and Rick's is one. The latter, of course, is within the margin of error.

It should be said that Rasmussen's results tend to lean Republican, so take it for what it's worth.

HT: Drudge


Jeff D said…
I get the feeling that Willard Romney would be a more-or-less "normal" president—like Clinton, GHWB, and Reagan. He would just kind of cruise along, not doing much of anything too radical that would risk his favorability rating. He would work to leave the country pretty much the way he found it, which, of course, that means the country word remain on the same wrong course leading to more spending, regulations, and deficits.

Gingrich and Santorum would be different. More like Obama and GWB. Unpredictable and imprudent.

President Paul, on the other hand, will be entirely predictable and eminently prudent.

Two things "President Paul" would NOT be are predictable and prudent. Especially prudent.

A third thing "President Paul would not be is rational.

A fourth thing "President Paul" will not be is President Paul.

I will grant you that he would not be normal. ;>
Jeff D said…
Not predictable? That's funny. He has a long, consistent record in congress, which would carry over into his presidency. And he tells everyone what he would do as president, starting with $1 Trillion in spending cuts the first year and bringing the troops home.

And yes, he would be more prudent since he would take his oath of office seriously and not do anything unless it was in the best interest of the USofA.

And you can't accuse him of not being rational. All of his positions are well-reasoned.
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. So what's the weather like on the planet you live on?

Paul has a consistent record of coming up with absolutely nutty ideas, of blaming America for acts of aggression committed against it by neighbors, for adhering to a crackpot school of economics neither liberal nor conservative economists take seriously, and generally amazing the world with the crazy things he says and does. Consistent? Only consistently crazy.

He has no concept of what the interests of the United States even
are. He lives in a dream world, in an entirely different universe.

And not only I but most people all over the spectrum accuse him precisely of not being rational. In fact, irrationality is his defining characteristic. None of his positions are well-reasoned; in fact, he's crazier than a boiled owl. Only his supporters are crazier, in fact.

Paul is a crackpot, Jeff. And asserting the contrary won't change that fact. It'll just make people who know what they're talking about laugh.