Obama's bin Laden posturing: Don Knotts as George Patton

President Obama- marking the anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death by doing his best impersonation of Don Knots cast as George Patton- has personally insinuated that Mitt Romney would not have taken out the al Quaeda leader:

An Obama web ad made the same insinuation the other day.

The Romney's campaign respondes: "It’s unfortunate that President Obama would prefer to use what was a good day for all Americans as a cheap political ploy. President Obama’s feckless foreign policy has emboldened our adversaries, weakened our allies, and threatens to break faith with our military. While the Obama administration has naively stated that ‘the war on terror is over,’ Gov. Romney has always understood we need a comprehensive plan to deal with the myriad of threats America faces.”

HT: Drudge, The Weekly Standard
