Wisconsin gives Walker its seal of approval; is Romney next?

The moonbats failed in their attempt to recall Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker yesterday- and suddenly, the state is in play for Mitt Romney.

ADDENDUM: On Sunday, June 11, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley accurately summed up what I think is the real message of the Waker vote: the common-sense belief of Wisconsin voters that "we shouldn't have recall elections for policy matters."

Anti-union crowing and pro-union despair are both out of place here. The issue in Wisconsin was always that crazies outside the political mainstream tried to use a mechanism designed to remove the corrupt and the incompetent to remove a governor they simply disagreed with.

The voters slapped their fingers- and rightly so. While this result is not without implications for the presidential race in November, a word of caution should be added: this vote was at least as much as much a vote for constitutional government, common sense and due process as it was an endorsement of the Republican program at any level.
