Dems to include pro-gay "marriage" plank in platform

The Democratic party's transition from a party advocating social justice within the framework of the Western ethical tradition to a party of ill-considered, iconoclastic social radicalism- the transition which drove me from its ranks- is about to become complete.

Reliable sources tell Politico that the "non-controversial" decision has been taken to include a plank advocating same-sex "marriage" in the 2012 national Democratic platform.

Never mind that in no juristiction where the oxymoron has been legal have any appreciable percentage of gays availed themselves of either legal "marriage" or civil unions. Never mind the serious questions as to the impact of gay "marriage" on the institution itself posed by the rarity of sexually exclusive relationships between even "committed" male gay couples, or the troubling statistics regarding same sex "divorce" (especially among lesbians) in Europe.

The most basic institution of human society is at a crossroads, and the Democrats- characteristically- have chosen to impulsively take sides first, demonize those who disagree with them next- and think the matter through later, if at all.

HT: Drudge
