Have to agree

Sadly, I have to agree with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and with columnist Ann Coulter that the Republican candidate for the Senate from Missouri, Todd Akin, needs to step aside.

Akin stuck his foot not only into his mouth but much too far down his throat to survive when he not only erroneously suggested that it is biologically impossible for a woman to become pregnant by being raped due to the trauma involved, but- infinitely worse- spoke, not of "actual" rape, but of "legitimate" rape.

Legitimate rape? From the moment those words passed his lips, he went from the favorite to win his race to a certain loser with no chance at all. And he deserved none.

Democrats figured that Akin would be Sen. Claire McCaskill's easiest opponent, and contributed $1.5 to his primary campaign. Looks like they were right.

Sadly, it now appears that Akin will take the Republican party and the country down with him to defeat in Missouri, where he cannot help but be a drag on the otherwise pretty fair prospects of the Romney-Ryan ticket. He's digging in his heels.

HT: Drudge

ADDENDUM: Mitt Romney has joined the chorus of those urging Akin to quit the race and let somebody with a chance of winning replace him.
