Lies, damn lies, and Obama campaign ads

Josef Goebbels probably never actually said that if you repeat a big enough lie often enough, people will believe it. But whoever it was who said it, the idea certainly seems to be the controlling rationale of the Obama re-election campaign.

Now an Obama ad is repeating- if only by innuendo- Harry Reid's made-up-out-of-thin-air lie that Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes in ten years.

Not only that, but the Huffington Post is using innuendo to try to tie Romney to Salvadoran death squads!

And these things only hours after the Obama campaign belatedly repudiated an ad by a campaign-endorsed Super PAC blaming the presumptive Republican nominee for causing the cancer death of a woman who had her own insurance by depriving her husband of his- five years after Romney left Bain!

The Obama campaign itself had, by the way, previously used the misinformation in the ad it repudiated. That being the case, it should perhaps not be surprising that the Super PAC is refusing to pull the ad despite the official campaign's disavowal!

Gee. What can you do. I mean, it's not as if the campaign could insist, or anything. Or maybe threaten to withdraw the PAC's authorization, or anything.

Thus the most vicious and dishonest campaign of personal attacks and slimy innuendo in recent American history continues to unfold.

And the President of the United States himself is ultimately responsible for it. How on earth does Mr. Obama expect anybody to trust him if he wins a second term? How the world does he expect to be able to govern?

HT: Drudge
