The Olympics: the Tolerance Police strains at gnats and swallows camels

When Gabby Douglas won her all-around gymnastics gold medal, she publicly thanked God.

Salon responded with a theologically dubious, elitist snark-fest.

Between Salon's Gabby-bashing, the unconstitutional requirements of the new birth control mandate (objecting to which a woman in one of the newest Obama ads claims makes Mitt Romney "extreme"), and Rahm Emanuel's antics, can there be any doubt that bigotry against Christians is not only the last "respectable" prejudice on the Left, but the coming thing among the self-proclaimed Enlightened Ones?

Never have the Olympics been so infested by nit-picking political correctness. But it's apparently politically correct to find a person's public confession of her religious beliefs somehow "unnerving," simply because one disagrees with them.

Why do they call those folks "liberals," anyway?

David French comments further.

HT: Drudge, "The Home Front" at National Review Online

ADDENDUM: Gabby slipped on the balance beam today, and failed to medal in her last competition of this Olympiad. She'll have to settle for her two gold medals.

But she'll be in Rio four years from now. The saga is far from over.
