Don't sweat that Obama bounce from the Charlotte lie-fest

It seems that Lincoln's some of the people have been fooled some of the time by all the lies and half-truths that came out of Charlotte last week. But sweat it not.

After the 1980 Democratic Conventon, Carter led Reagan by the same four points Obama leads Romney today. And after the 1988 Democratic Convention, Mike Dukakis (remember him?) led Bush the Elder by 17 points.

Macht nichts, as Grandma Elart used to say. Though the Republicans do need to hit those lies about Romney raising the taxes of the middle class by $2000 a crack and lowering the taxes of the rich. The Obama ads repeating those fibs are deluging us in the border states, and need to be responded to by an equal saturation bombing with the truth.

Why this hasn't happened already I don't know, but it needs to happen fast. The lies may already have done irreparable damage here in Iowa and elsewhere. Every moment the Romney campaign delays in slapping those whoppers down makes them look truer to the undecideds.

HT: Drudge
