Right on, John!

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz)- a war hero to whom the nation should be triply grateful for his martial heroism, for his years of faithful service in Washington and as the man who tried to save us from Barack Obama, in 2008- has once again earned the country's gratitude for saying out loud what even Republicans with a clue have been fearing to say: that Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) Sen Ted Cruz (R-Tex), Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich) and the other far-Right "young guns" of the GOP are "wacko birds."

Both parties have lurched far to the extremes since 2008. The Democrats, in nominating Obama- the leftmost president in American history, despite attempts by the servile media to portray him as a "moderate" of some kind- deviated first, completing the collapse into extremism begun with the nomination of Sen. George McGovern (D-SD) in 1972. But since Mr. Obama's election four and a half years ago, the Republicans have increasingly become a party so monomaniacally intent on winning its argument over increasing taxes with the advocates of Mr. Obama's Greek-style spending spree on a maxed-out credit card that the broader interests of the nation seem to have dropped completely off their radar.

At a time when the nation is struggling- hobbled by Mr. Obama's economic policies- to climb out of the deepest economic hole since the Great Depression, Republicans have generally seemed to have been gung-ho to risk plunging the nation back into recession through the unpredictable consequences first of defaulting on the national debt a few years ago, and now proclaiming indifference to a sequestration which not only will put huge numbers of Americans in the defense and other industries out of work, but has dealt a deep wound to America's capacity for defending itself.

Sure, the sequestration may have been necessary; it may be the only possible way to get the spending-obsessed Obama administration to attend to the necessity of cutting the budget. But it is going to hurt not only the administration, but America. It will make us less secure as a nation, and risks undoing whatever progress toward overcoming the 2008 economic disaster we have made.  It is not a fit subject for indifference, much less celebration.

And Rand Paul's bizarre fillibuster over the an administration nominee's theoretical comment about use of Predator drones on American soil against American citizens is another example. "We spent 13 hours talking about a scenario that won’t happen and can’t happen," McCain told (sane and responsible) conservative  radio commentator Michael Medved. Earlier McCain called the fillibuster "inappropriate" and "irresponsible."

GOP National Chairman Rence Priebus, on the other hand, regards the fillibuster as "awesome."
