Cuomo to pro-lifers, marriage traditionalists: 'Leave New York!'

Who are they? Right to life, pro-assault weapons, anti-gay — if that’s who they are, they have no place in the state of New York because that’s not who New Yorkers are.
          --New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo

I've often visited the subject of the totalitarian tendencies of today's Left (including establishment Democrats) on this blog.

We know that if you disagree with Mayor Rahm Emanuel's position on gay "marriage," you are not welcome to open a business in Chicago, and the power of city government will be mustered to prevent you from doing so. In Boston, Mayor Thomas Merino is at least content with defaming those who disagree with him; he is not yet so ideologically driven as to try to deprive them of their livelihood.

In any case, it's a well-established principle by now that "progressives" believe that everybody is entitled to basic human rights except those who disagree with them about anything. Never before, though, has the fascistic tendency of "liberals" been quite so nakedly expressed as it has by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo- who not only considers pro-lifers and supporters of traditional marriage to be "extremists," but says that they have no place in the state of New York!

Moderate Republicans (meaning pro-abortion and pro-marriage deconstruction) have the governor's gracious permission to remain.

The New York Post is quite right to call out New York's extremist- no, totalitarian- governor for this outrageous statement, despite the attempts of his staff and supporters to tone it down.

He needs to come clean, apologize- and maybe have to  attend some sort of class for recovering brownshirts.

And the tragedy is that among prominent national Democrats he has so much company- including the mayor of the city I love, and where I was born. 

ADDENDUM: Katherine Lopez of the National Review asks whether Catholics are welcome in New York State.

Or, for that matter, Gov. Cuomo's father and predecessor, Mario.


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