Veith: Tchividjan expelled from Reformed blogging community for... crypto-Lutheranism!?

Billy Graham's grandson, Tullian Tchividjian, has attracted a great deal of attention lately for his championing of the distinction between Law and Gospel, without which the Gospel is a dead letter.

Now, Dr. Gene Veith tells us, the ill-named "Gospel Coalition-" a Reformed blogging community- has kicked him out for what amounts to "crypto-Lutheranism."

Fascinating, but predictable. Reformed works-righteousness finally has no place for the notion that our assurance of salvation is to be found in Christ and His faithfulness, rather than in ourselves and our own. Pr. Tchividjan should consider this a feather in his cap. It's certainly a star in his crown!

As someone once said, anybody who preaches the pure Gospel will inevitably be accused of antinomianism by those who aren't listening- and whose eyes are on their own spiritual navels, rather than on Christ and Him crucified.

And after centuries of Reformed theology trying to masquerade as Lutheran (the "Crypto-Calvinistic controversy" was one of several crises in early Lutheranism leading to the adoption of the Formula_of_Concord, I guess its refreshing to hear that for a change the Gospel has seized a beachhead on the shores of legalism, instead of the reverse.
