Des Moines Register endorses Rubio

Two days before I go to hear Sen. Rubio make his case, I got an email from his campaign informing me that the Des Moines Register has endorsed him.

The Register is by far the most powerful paper in Iowa, but I'm not sure how much good its endorsement will do Sen. Rubio. Although it endorsed Mitt Romney over President Obama four years ago, it's pretty much a far Left publication whose editorial opinion is not highly thought of my most Republicans.

In any event, Caucus Night should tell us a lot. I don't know at this point whether I'll be attending a victory party or here at home blogging on the result once my own caucus adjourns. But by the next morning, we'll know to what extent the Trump phenomenon is real and to what extent it's an exercise in expressing anger. And of course, we'll get our first hint as to how things may shake out in the months ahead.

Traditionally it's said that there are three "tickets" out of Iowa. In other words, the top three finishers are viable, and the rest of the campaigns are in trouble. At the moment that three figure to be Cruz, Trump, and Rubio, in that order. But Jeb Bush is running third nationally (though curiously he's not doing nearly that well in either Iowa or New Hampshire), so the situation will be more complicated.

We'll undoubtedly have to wait not only until after New Hampshire but several weeks beyond that before we really have any idea how the race is shaping up. Here's hoping that Donald Trump evaporates like a nightmare at dawn and that Republican voters realize that the uncompromising, stubbornly partisan kamikaze philosophy Ted Cruz exemplifies and which is so popular among Tea Party types is exactly what has the electorate as a whole so angry at Congress in general and Republicans in particular.

I do not underestimate the lemming gene in conservative Republicans. But this is an election the Republican party cannot afford to lose, and the country cannot afford to have it lose.

Here's hoping that starting on February 1, the Republican rank-and-file comes to its senses and awakens from whatever hallucinations seem to be driving them over the cliff after Trump and Cruz, both of whom are certain losers in November and poster children for everything that is wrong in American politics.

By the way, here's the text of the Register's endorsement.

Photo By DonkeyHotey via
