This just hit me about the last episode of GAME OF THRONES

Jon is Azor Ahai after all, plunging his blade into the heart of Nisa Nisa, his beloved (Dany) in order to save the realms of men- not from the Others, but from her.

That blade is in in a sense endowed with her soul since the blow results in a change from a hereditary to an elective monarchy and an end to all those capricious megalomaniacs and psychopaths who had ruled Westeros for no better reason than who their father was. Kings and queens henceforth will be chosen by merit, for their ability to benefit rather than prey upon the people Daenerys fought for.

Too much of a stretch? Maybe that second part. But I'm pretty sure that I'm right about the first. As time goes on I begin to see more and more what D and D were trying to do.

They just cut so many corners in doing it and did it in such a rush, with so much time (sometimes whole seasons) passing between foreshadowing and actual events that nobody even remembered them. Perhaps, finally, there was nothing wrong with Season Eight that more episodes and a sensitivity for the need to remind us of things we'd forgotten and make some of the points (like the importance of Bran to the ouster of Cersei and the defeat of the White Walkers) clearer wouldn't have supplied. I think there might have been a decent ending to the show hiding in that disjointed mess. The real problem is that after all the buildup, HBO and D and D just didn't take the time to give it to us.
