This is what I've been trying to get across all along

The editors of The Bulwark have it right: the presidency of Donald Trump is a joke that has devastated conservatism as a political movement and may well sound the death knell of the Republican party as a serious alternative to an increasingly radical Democratic Party.

Yes, I'm grateful for the judges, too. But the death of conservatism is a high price to pay for them. And how can a political movement that embraced Donald Trump ever be taken seriously again by anybody?

The soon-to-be-discredited conservative politicians and journalists who continue to toe the line for the inept con man in the Oval Office are in many cases smart enough to realize that this isn't going to end well. As the Bulwark editorial notes, Donald Fredovich's defeat in 2020 won't be a disaster for either conservatism or the Republican Party. In fact, it could be the salvation of both.

On the other hand, a Trump victory might well be the last time a Republican ever wins a presidential election. It's about time that portion of Trumpworld which is still in minimal contact with reality counted the cost and realized that the time left for saving the conservative movement from irrelevance is rapidly running out.
