51 co-conspirators in the coverup

Whether the 51 senators who voted against calling additional witnesses (yes, I'm talking about you, Charles Grassley and Joni Ernst) realize it or not, that's the way history- and in several cases, the voters- are going to remember them.

I find it hard to believe that the voters are going to miss the consistent obsession the administration and its allies have with keeping information away from them when it comes to anything which even might reflect badly on Donald Fredovich. This is not the behavior of an innocent man, nor the habit of a man who has our interests at heart. If they do, they deserve everything that will be coming to them in a second Trump term, in which our unhinged president is undeterred by any specter of accountability- whether re-election or now, even impeachment- from doing any crazy thing he has the impulse to do.

He'll be acquitted Wednesday by a biased jury. He will inevitably claim vindication, as irrational as that might be. But only the most deeply delusional of his supporters will believe it for a second. History has vindicated those of us who warned during the last campaign that he would screw up on a scale his supporters didn't foresee. And the American people will inflict on the Republican party the consequences we foresaw, not only in this election but for many to come.

Donald Trump will not be the only one by any means to face the music.
