Daniel Webster, Robert Taft, and John Calhoun are spinning in their graves

And thus the comedy ends, with a jury of partisans, some of whom had openly forsworn themselves, setting the welfare of the Republic and history itself aside to stick it to the libs.

That, after all, is more important than the Constitution and the national interest.

In the aftermath of what history will record as a travesty and a disgrace by the most august body of sycophants on the planet, I can't help but be amused by the righteous indignation of TrumpWorld at Speaker Pelosi's admittedly boorish behavior at the State of the Union. After all, the only person in Washington with blanket permission to behave like a spoiled infant is the President himself, and he does it every single day.

I checked out Ben Shapiro's commentary on what he called Mr. Trump's "triumphant" State of the Union. There was a time when he might have pointed out all the lies and misdirection and stuck the very sharp pin of his wit into all that presidential pomposity. But no. My worst fears are confirmed.

Like so many conservatives before him, Ben Shapiro has gone over to the dark side and decided that nothing takes precedence over making the liberals squirm.
