It's a capitalist plot!

As if we didn't have enough tinfoil-hattery on the Trumpist right, it seems that certain Sanders supporters are suggesting that somehow Mayor Pete might be behind a conspiracy to mess up the returns from the Iowa Caucuses. After all, he got 10% more support than the polls said he was supposed to, and he claimed victory without any returns to base the claim on, didn't he?

I am convinced, of course, that the nomination of former Trotskyite Bernie Sanders- who someone commented would be the one potential Democratic opponent whom President Trump wouldn't have to even bother lying about to discredit- would be tantamount to guaranteeing Mr. Trump's re-election. But beyond that, if it's Trump vs. Sanders- the zany right against the crackpot left- 2020 might see the first presidential election in which the things that are said might have to be fact-checked in an attempt to figure out whether anything at all either side said is true.

If Bernie wins in New Hampshire, I think I'm gonna buy stock in whatever company makes tinfoil hats.

ADDENDUM: Here's more on how certain "progressives" are going full Trump on Mayor Pete.

Remember the immortal adage of political analysis known as Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity."
