Just sayin'.

I don't think Vladimir Putin cares whether Bernie Sanders, who honeymooned in the Soviet Union he used to extol all those years ago and seems to have a fondness for America's enemies rivaling that of President Trump himself, wants his support or not, or whether or not he disavows it.

The bottom line is that if, as looks distinctly possible at the moment, the matchup in November is between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, Putin will be the big winner. Bernie's fondness for the regime that ran Vlad's old employer, the KGB, is well-established and Russian state television light-heartedly referred to the President of the United States as a Russian "asset" only a few short weeks ago.

Bernie's nomination would probably ensure the re-election of Putin's bud Donald Fredovich, and even if Trump somehow loses... well, he'd be losing to Bernie Sanders- who wouldn't have a snowball's chance in Texas of getting his program even through a Democratic Congress, and who would take us back into the depths of the Great Recession or worse if he did.

Is best of all possible worlds, tovarisch. Either way, Russia wins, and America loses.
