A prediction

Before very many months, as the campaign against Joe Biden gets underway, take it to the bank: Donald Fredovich, whose supporters already have the complete lack of judgment and perspective to be posting memes criticizing the way President Obama handled the H1N1 outbreak, will be crowing about what a great job he and Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and the zany right did in warning us about the dangers of COVID-19 and how it's only because of his decisive and timely response to the threat at a time when nobody else was taking it seriously that any of us are still alive.

Take it to the bank.

And his supporters will not only believe every word despite having actually lived through his irresponsible trivializing and minimizing of the threat, as his supporters and others on the extreme right who haven't gotten the memo have continued to do even after Mr. Trump abruptly "got religion" and decided to start paying attention, but will somehow find a reason to blame President Obama for it.

Or better still, Hunter Biden. And with no embarrassment or sense of absurdity or shame whatsoever.

ADDENDUM: In any case, here's a refresher course for the memory of anyone motivated to remember what actually happened.

ADDENDUM II: And sure enough...

We have always been at war with East Asia.

The incredible thing is that people not only will believe him despite having heard him insist on exactly the opposite, but they'll continue to believe anything he says, even if it contradicts what he said five minutes before.


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