If this is a pro-life conservative, I'm the Shah of Iran

President Trump is apparently willing to re-open the economy prematurely, sacrificing American lives for the sake of an almost non-existent shot at saving the economy, which would probably re-ignite the spread of COVID-19, significantly delay our ability to actually return to normal, and probably transform what may be a severe recession into an out-and-out depression.

It goes without saying that he is motivated solely by humanitarian moves without even a thought of preserving his slim chance at re-election.

 But there's more! He's now claiming "total authority" to unilaterally overrule the state governors and re-open the economy nationally!

Conservatives, how much evidence do you need that this guy not only isn't one of you but holds the rule of law and the Constitution itself in contempt- that is if in his manifest ignorance he even has the slightest notion of what it says?

Day by day I become more convinced of what has been apparent to me since the git-go: that American "conservatives" place far less value on what they claim are their most deeply-held principles far less than the delicious prospect of "sticking it to the libs," and have sold their political souls to a charlatan who happens to wield accidental and temporary power. I cannot see how anyone who has been paying attention can reach any other conclusion.

And now, if "pro-life" folks who claim to revere the Constitution and advocate its strict interpretation according to its original intent throw in with his latest bit of authoritarian buffoonery from the least-fit president in American history... well, I'll let you finish the sentence.
