From Charlie Sykes and Twitter. And your decent side.

Presidential bilge is not the only thing on Twitter. Not even POTUS threatening to defend free speech from fact-checkers by threatening to silence Twitter.

Charlie Sykes is a former talk-radio host from Wisconsin who has achieved significance for me that transcends my fondness for the cheese and sausage that comes from that state that my cardiologist won't let me eat anymore, the German culture that calls to the maternal half of my genetic makeup, and my despising of a certain football team whose hideous colors are those of a glass of moldy lemonade and of whom Satan is an enthusiastic fan.

Every morning I begin my day with a summary he sends out of notable items from The Bulwark, a conservative Never Trump website featuring the writings of worthwhile folks like Bill Kristol and Mona Charen.  Amid all this, there is other stuff, like snippets of his own column and just stuff he happens to come across.

As we digest the story of an African-American man who was strangled to death by an apparently deaf or inattentive cop kneeling on his neck and unable to hear his desperate pleas to let him breathe, today Charlie posted something from his own Twitter account that's a bit more significant and substantial than the juvenile and embarrassing vaporings of the Orange Man who is, indeed, frequently very bad. It's this.
